General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Friday, May 19, 2006

Welcome to Moving Platform.

Let's establish some ground rules:

  1. There will be the occasional misspelled word. This kind of thing happens. As a corollary, I might even make up a few as we go along.
  2. There will be some moderate profanity. This also happens.
  3. Profound personal insights, thoughtful revelations and general gushing will not be addressed. Things will be kept as vacuous as possible.
  4. There will be some light bitching about all aspects of my life, and because of this. . .
  5. Everyone will remain anonymous and I will follow the naming conventions established but The Cat from Spinning Tales. I'll dig up that post some time; I need a refreshed lest I refer to Barnellia as Mayo.
  6. I will grow bored with this soon and it will all wither on the vine.

Now that we are all on the same page: Why blog?

Those that know me know that I have long been opposed to starting a blog. But recent events have convinced me otherwise. One is that all the kids are doing it. I am in constant fear of becoming one of those old people who fears every new technology that comes along. Almost everyday I see Web 2.0 technology slip by with out getting involved. Rather than shaking my cane, muttering how websites should never change, I am starting Moving Platform. And with all the Burb Paranoia over MySpace, now seems like a good time to jump in. One of these days I'll start a MySpace account to attempt to drum up some buddies to play Worlds of Warcraft or City of Heroes with. But that is another project for another time.

The second reason is that I've started working on my Master of Library Science degree. Libraries of all shapes and sizes are all hepped up on blogs and other Web 2.0 technologies. I'd rather find out by doing than have to take a graduate level class on blogs. It will just be filled with older students asking questions like "Is this e-mail?" and "Do you have to type in http?" That kind of stuff kills me.

The final reason is I think The Cat has had just about enough of my mopey, sighing that I don't have a blog. I haven't started a blog yet, because I have nothing of substance to say. But hell, no one else does either. Some might find it difficult to imagine not saying anything if you don't have something meaningful to say. Maybe something will develop; we shall see.

Well that's about it. Nothing complex or insightful here, just some crap. Enjoy.


Blogger The Bat said...

Not surprisingly, I'm your first commenter.

And I'm only a room away.

The Internet has made life so great.

12:13 PM

Blogger gameboy said...

Oh geez. Does this mean we aren't going to ever see each other in person any more?

We'll just have to communicate via blog comments.

12:16 PM

Blogger Killy said...

it would probably best best to allow anonymous comments so that those who wish to remain anonymous or use the applicable pseudonymn are able to do so.

10:25 AM


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