General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

At the Galleria

I bravely accompanied The Cat on a shopping expedition to the largest
mall I've ever seen. Lordy, Lord, Lord! It is crowded. Not really a
shocker but annoying none the less.
There seemed to be a large number of slow walkers. You know that family
of six that insists on walking abreast, clogging up the whole walkway.
It is like a rousing game of live-action Frogger just to get anywhere.
I really like retailers that set out a Guy Chair. Whoever put out the
first one was a saint and genius all in one. I bet Guy Chairs have
saved thousands of relationships. No woman in her right mind wants a
guy trolling after her. I just get punchy after a bit of shopping,
commenting on everything we walk by. It drives The Cat up the wall
though she occasionally hides it. She is an angel for putting up with
any of it. It even annoys me but I just can't stop. I need something
to keep me occupied and I can't surf on my SK3 while walking.
Oh, oh, the Santa was skanky. He had a scrawny beard that looked very
nicotine stained. Gross.


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