General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Aeon Flux

I just finished the Aeon Flux movie. It was “eh”: not horrible, but I wasn’t on the edge of my seat either. The plot wasn’t what I had figured, so I was mildly surprised. I never saw the original MTV series so I didn’t have the emotional baggage that would cause me to whine how it wasn’t like the original.

That really irks me. Dorks, nerds and their ilk (or should I say “our ilk”) often bitch about something not following the book, comic or game. Maybe it is my high tolerance for bad movies (I recently ‘flixed Tank Girl), but it isn’t required that every movie match its predecessor. I’ve read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and seen the movie. Both are pretty good in their own right. There’s so much great detail and stuff going on in the background in the comic that it would have been overload to see it on the screen. And I understand adding in Tom Sawyer to the film version. I think it made the League a bit more active. They really aren’t very “take charge” in the comics.

So everyone should calm down and just try to enjoy movies on their own merits. But what would the Internet be with out all this kind of discussion? No where; it was created so we can all pick at continuity errors in our favorite summer fair.

Back to Aeon: it was good looking movie, particularly the sets/locations. They were so striking that I watched the extra about the location. Originally they were going to set it in Brasilia, which was sort of weird. I was surfing Wikipedia the other day and came across the article for Brazil’s capital. It seems just like EPCOT or something, minus Mickey and throwin a few cults that would make a great front for the villain in a James Bond flick.


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