General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Today was loot-a-rific: I finally received my newest Threadless shirt, Pessimistic or Optimistic, picked up the newest Scott Pilgrim book and ran across a Buckaroo Banzai comic. BB was like my most favorite movie ever (probably for about two weeks cause I was 9 when it came out). That movie had everything: science, aliens, gadgets, a dimension crossing vehicle, rock n’ roll, some 80’s Japan fascination and Jeff Goldblum in furry chaps (for some reason I wanted to be Goldblum’s character rather than BB himself). I remember this movie confusing the absolute hell out of me as a kid. I loved it, but it left my head spinning. It seemed to start in medias res, a concept that took me until my college freshman year to “get.” I wanted more back story; I wanted to know how BB became such a smooth bad ass.

At the end of the film the next BB movie was hinted at Buckaroo Banzai vs. The World Crime League. It never came out. I finally forgot about it until I saw the end of the movie again on DVD. I remembered how much I wanted that movie to come out. Ah well.

It says on IMDB that the script for the next movie ended up as Big Trouble in Little China! I love that movie too! The guns! The ladies! The wicker hats! The martial arts! The Kurt! One of these days I’ll have to watch them together with Condor Man in between (to cleanse the palate).


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