General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Day the Fun Died

Yesterday my fall text book came, it’s called “The Organization of Information.” Hardly grabs you from the get go. In fact the first two chapters failed to inspire (me to stay awake).

So it seems that the fun is over. No more watching DVDs, playing games and messing with Mindstorms (I’m not doing the all caps) or other fun. At least not in the quantity that I’ve been doing them; I’m sure that I can squeeze something in. Now much of my free time will be spent reading and writing about databases with people who care very much about databases.

I am currently debating the wisdom of spending my time on a library degree. It no longer makes as much sense as it 9 months ago. (Actually it’s a year ago when I first started down this trail.) Most of my mentors said that it was a futile move. Now I am starting to think they were right. What will all of this effort get me? Probably nothing. Was it a knee-jerk response to temporarily crappy work conditions? Most likely, but those times are over now and things are looking a bit more pleasant.

When I express concern that I might never use it, most people respond that I should just go ahead and finish it. But what for? It’s not going to help my current job or career path. All I will get is a few more student loans and a boatload of wasted free time. Time better spent learning more Flash or some sort of programming or electronics skills or reading literature in my current field.

After this semester I will be around half way done, so should I just might as well finish. There are some large things to do, but nothing insurmountable. I just have to answer the question “Why bother?” If the answer is amusing enough I will stick with it, if not then I can save my money and time. And certainly play more WoW.


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