General nerdy stuff, Video Games, Loot, Whining, Harangues

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Ultraviolet. . . why? Why were you so stupid? This movie started off good. Mila, check! Future, check! Automatic pistols, check! Swords, check! Vampires. . . uh, ok, check!

But it just can’t manage to become something more. It tries to have emotion when we just want to see another scene of Gun Kata, which I’ve decided is my new favorite thing. They should really offer classes in it at the Y, right after Pilates but before AA.

Maybe I was just being needlessly dense, but the movie just didn’t make sense. Why wasn’t the kid really dead? What the hell was going on in her head that makes it ok to kill a few hundred goons to protect one kid, er clone? She keeps saying “But he’s just a kid” right before she mows down some more black suited extras. How is she reconciling that? And what was up with those guys’ armor at the beginning? I think it was made of glass, bad I idea guys.

I’ve become spoiled with BSG and the new Doctor Who (of which the second disk is as good as the first). That stuff is quality. *gasp* could I actually want more than just senseless violence from my entertainment? I hope not.


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